Thank you for your interest in volunteering!  The MRFMHA relies on volunteers to operate.  Without our volunteers, the association could not exist.  Many roles must be filled each season to ensure smooth operation & allow girls in our community the opportunity to play hockey locally in an all-female environment.  Our goal is to have all families that are a part of our association dedicate some time to complete association required jobs each season to help us provide as many opportunities to the players that we can.

Current volunteer opportunities are listed below.  Volunteer opportunities will also be emailed out to all player families as the need arises.  Please watch for these emails during the season.


If you have any questions please contact our Volunteer Coordinator.



We are a volunteer association and all our board members, coaches, managers and safety bench staffs are all volunteers, so we rely on the support of all the parents to ensure the success of our teams. In addition to team volunteer roles, each family needs to contribute two (2) hours of volunteer time towards the association. The only families that do not have to complete additional volunteer hours are as follows: Board and Executive Members, Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, on-ice helpers (at coach’s discretion), Team Manager, team Safety Person – HCSP, Treasurer and dedicated time/score keepers. Dedicated time/score keepers will only count towards volunteer hours if one person commits to it for the entire season. That means if they are not going to be in attendance at a home game it becomes their responsibility to ensure a replacement and that the replacement has been instructed in how to score or run the clock. Other positions like team moms are still required to complete association volunteer hours.

Each family is required to pay a $100 volunteer deposit when they registered. This amount will be refunded once our volunteer coordinator has confirmed that the family has completed their 2 hours of association volunteer time. (If a family has multiple players within the Barracudas association, only one $100 deposit and 2 hours total of volunteer time is required).